
Discover how to choose eco friendly packaging for food items, make educated choices, and attract eco-conscious customers.

Have you ever thought that 60% of the plastic used in manufacturing is used to package food items? For a better perspective, of the more than 380 million tons of plastic made in 2015, a staggering 228 million tons were exclusively used to package food items. Due to the detrimental effects of plastic packaging that is not biodegradable for the environment and our well-being, many people are working hard to reduce plastic consumption by promoting environmentally friendly food packaging alternatives. If you’re working in the food industry and looking to go green, this article will help you choose the best packaging for your food products. 

Let’s look at it more closely!

Why Is Eco Friendly Packaging For Food Essential?

The packaging of plastic products raises many vital questions. The issue is the trash from plastic packaging accumulating in landfills and oceans, the problem of micro- and nanoplastics extending worldwide, and the health hazards that could result from chemical residues that are absorbed into foods from packaging products. 

Promising developments are coming up. Eco-friendly alternatives for packaging are growing in popularity with some distinct characteristics. These include bioplastics and products like wood, wheat, bamboo, and wood, all of which can be recycled, biodegradable, and free of harmful chemical substances.

So, give a try to eco friendly packaging for food today!

6 Kinds Of Packaging For Food Products To Think About

The world is getting more ecologically conscious. According to the survey, seventy-three percent of the population is open to altering their consumption habits to lower their environmental footprint. It is an enormous chance for food producers.

Which green packaging for food products alternatives is accessible to the food and beverages sector? 

Below is a list:

  • Paper Bags That Can Be Recycled

Recycling paper bags offers more than more than just convenient carriers for your groceries. They’re flexible and light, making them ideal for many different food items. From bakery goods to fresh fruits and vegetables, bags created from paper are durable and eco-friendly. The best part is that they’re created with renewable materials such as trees. When they’ve been used and decomposed, they will naturally decay, making them less harmful to the environment. When your clients have had enough and finished, they’re simple to recycle, making them an excellent option for all.

  • Paperboard Boxes

Plenty of paperboard containers with snacks, cereals, and other dry goods exist. They’re also sturdy, and they’re also very adjustable, which makes them the perfect option for branding. The best part is that most of them come from sustainably sourced materials, which means you’re doing your part to help the planet. 

They’re also recyclable. Eco friendly packaging for food can help decrease waste and keep your items clean and happy for the environment.

  • Cans

In the case of preserving cans of vegetables, fruits, and other beverages, the metal cans are among the most underrated heroes. They’re like miniature fortresses, which protect your food items from light, air, and moisture, ensuring the freshness of your food items. They’re also highly recyclable, and a substantial part of them are composed of recycled substances. Therefore, they reduce energy consumption and minimize garbage to a minimal level.

  • Glass Jars As Well As Containers

There’s a certain elegance to glass containers and jars. They’re a popular option for keeping the flavor and quality of sauces, jams, and pickles. 

What’s more cool? Glass is 100 percent recyclable. That allows it to be recycled indefinitely without losing its qualities. Additionally, it does not release toxic chemical compounds into food products, making Glass an excellent option for your food products and the environment.

  • Flexible Pouches

Flexible pouches are useful, lightweight bags that contain cereals, snacks, and powders. They’re compact, which is always an advantage. They’re often manufactured from recyclable materials. This aids in reducing their environmental footprint. Another benefit is that the lighter weight of their shipping contributes to a lower carbon footprint. Therefore, they’re more than just practical but also eco-friendly.

  • Edible Films

Here’s something exciting: edible films for custom food packaging. Imagine packaging that you melt in water or eat in your meal! It’s constructed from food-grade materials such as rice paper or seaweed and can be a unique solution to minimize packaging waste. Plus, it adds a unique, eco-friendly dimension to your food products that can catch the eye of environmentally-conscious customers.

Reusable Takeaway Containers

Promoting the reuse of containers manufactured from materials such as bamboo or stainless steel is an environmentally friendly option. Customers can take these custom frozen food boxes back for refills to reduce the amount of single-use packaging. 

This is not only environmentally friendly, it also increases customer satisfaction and displays your commitment to sustainability.

Things To Consider When Choosing Eco Friendly Food Packaging For Small Business

If you’re searching for eco friendly food packaging for small businesses to use in your restaurant. It’s not an all-inclusive situation. It can be a daunting task to choose from but don’t fret. Here are some essential factors to think about before making a decision.

Although conventional plastics may seem simple and economical, it’s crucial to know their lasting environmental impacts.

  • Let’s First Look At The Impact Of Our Actions On The Environment

Examine a product’s biodegradability or its recyclability. Even better, consider reusable options. This could not be the right option if something does not score highly on these criteria.

  • Let’s Talk About Costs

The more sustainable options typically have an upfront cost; however, here’s the catch: the fact that they generally last longer and require fewer replacements as time passes. Therefore, the overall plan could reduce costs by reducing consumption and lowering production costs. So, give it a try today.

  • Last But Not Least, Consider The Practicality

Does this container protect your food items, and is it safe? Does it make sense for clients? Do you need special tools or training to safely use or dispose of these items? If you answer those questions, you’ll be able not to select an eco-friendly product that integrates effortlessly into your daily operations.

Why Is Eco Friendly Food Packaging For Restaurants Crucial For Food Products?


If you need more clarification on whether choosing eco friendly food packaging for restaurant options is important, here are some more reasons for this step.

  • Eco Friendly Packaging For Frozen Food Reduces Environmental Impacts

Traditional eco friendly packaging for frozen food is discarded in landfills, negatively impacting the environment as well as, in turn, causing greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional packaging (like the use of petroleum for plastics) can also burden our environment since the oil used to make them is not renewable.

Sustainability is about embracing the idea that you use packaging materials that can be recycled or reused, thus reducing your footprint on the planet.

  • It Also Eliminates The Need To Use Harmful Materials

Eco friendly packaging materials for food that are not sustainable not only negatively affect the planet but are filled with toxic substances that pose a risk to human health. In particular, packaging materials made of plastic let chemicals in the food they store in time. These chemical compounds can hurt the health of your clients. Environmentally sustainable packaging products can be designed on their own so that the food isn’t contaminated. So you can be sure that your clients are protected.

  • This Resonates With Eco-conscious Consumers

Brand values are important to consumers, and using sustainable packaging can show your customers that you are greatly concerned about the planet.

Solutions for packaging from us can be certified to be recyclable and compostable. This can be seen on the product’s packaging. If you choose to use our products, your customers will instantly know the values you represent. Also, they will get our printed directions about how to dispose of packaging materials.


When we wrap up our discussions on the benefits of eco-friendly packaging for food, it’s crucial to be aware that the choice of eco-friendly packaging products isn’t only concerned with environmental protection (though there is a strong argument for it).

It’s also a smart option for your business in the food industry. It increases the time between food items’ shelf lives and improves the branding’s appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, reducing waste and making good business sense. To learn more about and find resources regarding sustainable practices, there are many food packaging companies near me like Packaging Bee. We can all work together to create positive changes and one environmentally friendly packaging option at a time. Let’s look forward to a cleaner and more promising future!