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Candy Boxes

What are Candy Boxes? And Why You Should Order One From Us

Candy boxes are carefully made boxes that are used to store and show off different kinds of candy. They are made with care so that the candies inside are safe and look nice. Our boxes are made from high-quality materials and come in different shapes, sizes, and styles to fit different tastes. They are not only useful but also nice to look at, giving your candy an extra touch of charm. We have a lot of candy packaging boxes for you to choose from, whether you need them for yourself or to help your business. Place your order with us today and find out how much fun it is to receive or give candy in beautiful packaging.

Why You Should Invest In Our Candy Boxes?

Our candy boxes are a wonderful solution for your confectionery items since they come with a variety of enticing benefits. Here are some benefits of purchasing our candy boxes:

  • Exceptional Customer Support: Our customer service team is available 24/7 to respond to your questions, concerns, and purchases. A flawless and trouble-free experience is guaranteed by our committed staff, who are accessible round-the-clock to help you at any point in the procedure.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: We are aware of the value of prompt delivery in the confectionery sector. We can provide a quick turnaround time. To help you meet deadlines and stay up with demand, we work hard to make and deliver your candy packaging boxes as soon as we can.
  • High Durability: Durability is a priority in the design of our boxes. We pack your delicate sweets in sturdy materials that provide strong protection, avoiding damage during transit and guaranteeing that they arrive in perfect shape. You can keep your delicious goodies fresh and intact by using our sturdy boxes.
  • Eye-Catching Designs: For our candy packaging, we provide a variety of aesthetically attractive designs. Our designs are intended to catch the attention of consumers and improve the presentation of your sweets. They range from vivid colors and patterns to distinctive forms and finishes. You can create a distinctive and alluring presentation that distinguishes your items with our eye-catching boxes.
  • Customization Options: To match the boxes with your brand and product specifications, we provide customization possibilities. Create a unique packaging solution that matches your business identity by selecting from a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and finishes. Our customization choices provide you the chance to differentiate yourself in an industry and make a positive impact on your clients.
  • Eco-Friendly Materials: Eco-friendly materials are available for our candy packaging since we place a high priority on sustainability. Our packaging options are produced from recyclable and biodegradable materials, so you can choose packaging that is consistent with your environmental commitment.

Purchasing one of our boxes gives you access to a whole-package solution that combines excellent customer service, quick turnaround, high durability, eye-catching designs, customization choices, and eco-friendliness. Our premium candy packaging will enhance your confectionery brand, wow your clients, and safeguard your delicious goodies. 

Selecting us as your packaging partner will allow you to enjoy the benefits of utilizing our first-rate packaging options.

Get Our Candy Boxes Wholesale With Windows & Lids

To display your tasty goodies in an alluring and practical packaging option, choose our candy packaging with windows and lids. Because of the glass window that enables clients to view the delectable chocolates within, our boxes are meticulously made to attract their attention. Customers are enticed to indulge in your mouthwatering confections by the window's alluring preview. Our candy boxes wholesale also have lids to give further security and maintain the freshness of your sweets in addition to the window feature. The boxes' lids tightly seal them so that the contents are protected from the environment and can preserve their quality over time. In our candy packaging, the use of lids and windows provides visibility in addition to functionality, ensuring that your sweets are both safely wrap and aesthetically pleasing. 

Choose from a variety of shapes and styles to get the ideal boxes for your particular requirements. Our boxes with windows and lids are the perfect option whether you sell confectionery, are organizing a special event, or want to give your delicious creations. 

They make it easy for clients to examine and obtain their ideal goodies while also enhancing the display of your candy.

With our boxes, enjoy the ideal balance of visibility, protection, and convenience. Improve the presentation of your candy package and draw consumers in with a delicious assortment of mouthwatering confections. Create a wonderful and alluring packaging solution with our candy packaging boxes with windows and lids now to make an impact.

We are the most well-known candy box manufacturer in the market! So, don't wait any longer.

Get Our Boxes Of Candy With Unique Inserts & Dividers

With the help of our inserts and dividers, you can improve the look and usefulness of your candy packaging boxes. Our boxes of candy dividers and inserts are designed to provide class, protection, and organization to the packaging of your confections. 

You can organize various flavors, kinds, or assortments of sweets by using our inserts to divide the candy packaging into discrete sections. In order to keep the candies intact and in perfect condition throughout transit and exhibition, the inserts assist prevent them from moving or coming into touch with one another.

Dividers serve a similar purpose by dividing the candy packaging boxes into several parts, enabling you to display various sweets or flavors in a single container. 

These partitions give an appealing visual appeal to the display while keeping the candies properly divided, avoiding any mixing or damage.

Make your own candy box now with our different coating and lamination options. Let's dive in.

Coating & Laminations For Custom Candy Boxes

To improve the aesthetic appeal, robustness, and protection of your custom candy boxes, we provide a variety of coating and lamination choices. 

Our coating and laminating solutions provide several advantages, such as:

  1. Glossy coating
  2. Matte coating
  3. Spot UV coating
  4. Soft-touch coating
  5. Varnish coating
  6. Laminations


  • Glossy Coating For Empty Candy Boxes

Your empty candy boxes will have a more captivating luster with a glossy finish. It gives your items a polished, businesslike look that stands out on the shelves and draws people in.

  • Matte Coating For Personalized Candy Boxes

A matte finish is a great option if you want something understated and elegant. It offers a silky, non-reflective surface to personalized candy boxes with an air of elegance and a sleek, sophisticated appearance.

  • Spot UV Coating For Cheap Candy Boxes

Spot UV coating entails adding a glossy sheen to certain design or brand components on your cheap candy boxes. With the addition of contrast, depth, and a tactile component, this method creates a visually arresting and high-end look.

  • Soft-Touch Coating For Box Of Candies

Your box of candies will have a velvety feel thanks to the soft-touch coating. It produces a smooth texture that improves your clients' sensory experience and leaves a lasting impression.

  • Varnish Coating For Candy Boxes Packaging

Your package is given an additional layer of defense against fading, dampness, and scratches thanks to the varnish coating. It offers a clear and glossy finish, guaranteeing that your candy boxes packaging keeps its caliber and looks for the course of its useful life.

  • Laminations On Gift Boxes For Candy

Laminations include covering your gift boxes for candy with a thin layer of plastic film. Your package will be more durable as a result of durability, water resistance, and tear prevention. You can mix these coating and lamination choices to give your package the required aesthetic and practical qualities. We have the knowledge and tools necessary to provide coating and laminating solutions that are tailored to your particular requirements, whether you want a high-gloss finish, a soft-touch texture, or a protective layer. 

With the help of our premium coating and lamination solutions, work with us to improve the aesthetics, robustness, and protection of your package. Create packaging that not only attracts notice but also makes your buyers remember you and your products.

Let’s learn how to make a candy box with mesmerizing printing options.

Printing Options For Our Boxed Chocolate Candy

To manufacture boxed chocolate candy that is both high-quality and aesthetically pleasing, we use a variety of printing techniques. With the help of our printing skills, we can make your ideas come to life and produce distinctive packaging. 

Here are a few printing techniques we provide:

  • Digital printing
  • Offset printing
  • Flexographic printing
  • Screen printing
  • Foil stamping 
  • Embossing/ debossing


  • Digital Printing

Digital printing offers short turnaround times, outstanding color accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. It works well for designs with a lot of colors or fine details in modest numbers.

  • Offset Printing

Large print runs often use offset printing. It creates clear, vivid pictures with accurate color reproduction. Complex patterns and high-quality printing work best with this technique.

  • Flexographic Printing

Large manufacturing runs often use flexographic printing. To provide effective and reliable printing results, flexible plates and quickly drying inks are used. Solid colors and basic patterns work nicely with this technique.

  • Screen Printing

The process of screen printing includes transferring ink to packaging using a mesh screen. With its brilliant colors and enough coverage, it works well for bold patterns. Paperboard and plastic are only two examples of materials that respond well to screen printing.

  • Foil Stamping

Your candy box template gets an opulent, metallic appearance with foil stamping. It includes applying a thin foil layer on the package under pressure and heat to produce shiny accents. For logos, or other graphic components that you want to stand out, foil stamping is perfect.

  • Embossing/Debossing

Your candy packaging boxes will have more depth and texture thanks to embossing and debossing processes. Debossing depresses the pattern into the material, whilst embossing lifts select portions of the package to provide a three-dimensional look. 

These techniques give your container a haptic luxury feel. In accordance with your needs for design, quantity, and budget, our expert printing team will consult with you carefully to choose the best printing technique. 

We are dedicated to providing exceptional printing outcomes that breathe new life into your candy packaging and improve the overall look of your items.

Special Finishes For Candy Box Packaging

In order to improve the aesthetic appeal and sophistication of your candy box packaging, we provide a variety of customized choices. These coatings give your candy package distinctive textures, effects, and proportions. Here are some of the unique finishes we offer:

  • Cold foil printing
  • Blind embossing
  • Blind debossing
  • Combination embossing
  • Window patching


  • Cold Foil Printing For Eco-friendly Candy Packaging

Cold foil printing includes utilizing an adhesive to attach a metallic foil on the eco friendly candy packaging. Moreover, your candy packaging boxes will have a shimmering, reflected quality that is opulent and elegant.

  • Blind Embossing On Custom Candy Packaging Wholesale

Using a process called blind embossing, some parts of the package are raised without the use of color or foil. It gives the whole design a tactile and upscale appearance to custom candy packaging wholesale that improves it by adding a light but aesthetically pleasing texture.

  • Blind Debossing

In contrast to embossing, blind debossing involves depressing rather than raising certain sections of the package. Your candy packaging boxes will have a distinctive, recessed texture that gives them depth and refinement.

  • Combination Embossing

Using both embossing and debossing methods in one design is known as combination embossing. Raised and lowered portions contrast as a consequence, creating a visually arresting and dynamic impact.

  • Window Patching

By adding clear plastic glass to your boxes, you can let consumers view the treats inside while increasing sales. This function enhances the aesthetic appeal and creates a pleasurable unpackaging experience by adding an interactive and alluring aspect.

These unique finish choices give you the chance to design candy packaging that stands out, attracts attention, and makes a lasting impression on your clients. 

Our knowledgeable staff will work closely with you to comprehend your needs before making recommendations for the particular finishes that best match your package design and represent the essence of your company. Using one of our distinctive finish choices, you can elevate the packaging for your product and stand out from the competition.

Are you curious to know how to package candy for gifts? Look below!

Choose Fluted Grades For Candy Packaging Boxes

Fluted cardboard grades are a great option for candy packaging boxes because of their structural stability and protective capabilities. The layers of corrugated cardboard that make up a box are referred to as fluted grades. 

For boxes, the following fluted grades are often used:

  • Single Face: A flat sheet is adhered to one layer of corrugated material to create the single-face fluted grade. It provides a flexible, lightweight solution for cushioning and safeguarding your sweets, making it appropriate for smaller or lighter candy products.
  • Single Wall: One layer of corrugated material is placed between two flat sheets in the single wall fluted grade. Your boxes will be strengthened and protected by this grade. It is perfect for packaging a range of confectionery weights and sizes.
  • Double Wall: Three flat sheets are sandwiched between two layers of corrugated material in a double wall fluted grade. Because of its superior toughness, stiffness, and crush resistance, it can handle heavier or bigger sweet products. Fluted double wall grade offers better protection while handling and transportation.

The weight, fragility, and transportation need of your chocolates will determine the fluted grade to choose for your candy packaging. Our staff will help you decide which fluted grade will provide your sweet items with the best protection and appearance. Our premium fluted grades will keep your candy packaging aesthetically beautiful and professional-looking while providing the required cushioning and support to keep your sweets safe and undamaged.

Choose From Our Different Style Options For Bulk Candy Boxes

Our bulk candy boxes come in a variety of design styles to accommodate diverse tastes and packaging requirements. Here are a few common candy box designs:

  • Foldable tuck-top boxes
  • Sleeve and tray boxes
  • Window boxes
  • Pillow boxes
  • Gable boxes
  • Cube boxes
  • Pop-up boxes


  • Foldable Tuck-Top Candy Boxes For Sale

These candy boxes for sale include a tuck-top closing and a folding design. The top flaps tuck into the front panel and fold inward to secure the contents within. Foldable tuck-top boxes provide a professional appearance and are simple to put together.

  • Sleeve And Tray Candy packaging

Sleeve and tray candy packaging is a safe and stylish packaging option that is prepared from a sleeve that slips over a tray. The sleeve acts as decoration and extra protection while the tray keeps the candies in place.

  • Window Packaging For Candy

Customers can see the candy within window packaging for candy thanks to a clear window on the front or top panel. The window enhances the aesthetics and makes a tempting presentation that highlights your delectable goodies.

  • Pillow Custom Candy Packaging

Pillow custom candy packaging provides a distinctive touch with its pillow-like design. They come in an attractive appearance that sticks out on the shelves and is simple to put together.

  • Gable Wholesale Candy Packaging

Gable wholesale candy packaging features a characteristic design with a handle and a triangle top. Furthermore, they are a fantastic option for gift packaging and special events since they are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing.

  • Cube Candy Packaging Design 

Cube candy packaging design provides a compact and symmetrical packaging option since all of its sides are the same size. These custom packaging boxes have a sleek, contemporary appearance that suits a variety of confectionery flavors.

  • Pop-Up Boxes

Pop-up boxes are manufactured with a unique folding mechanism that makes it simple for them to open. These boxes add a surprise factor to your candy packaging by creating a distinctive and engaging unpackaging experience. You can choose the ideal size for your unique requirements from a range of candy box sizes that we provide. 

We offer the ideal size to fit your goods, whether they are little, small sweets, or bigger confections. The following are some of the various size options:

Let us know your requirement because we are the top candy box manufacturer!

Choose From Our Different Sizes Option For Printable Sweetheart Candy Box

We provide a range of sizes for your printable sweetheart candy box so you can find the ideal fit for your particular requirements. We offer the appropriate size to fit your goods, whether they are bigger confections or smaller sweets. 

Here are some examples of the possible sizes:

  • Small: Our little candy packaging boxes are ideal for serving bite-sized snacks or individual pieces. They provide a cute and practical packaging option that is perfect for party favors, sampler packs, and smaller candy assortments.
  • Medium: For a variety of candy sizes, our medium-sized boxes provide a flexible solution. Furthermore, they provide you with plenty of room to display many candies or bigger sweets. Medium-sized boxes work well for candy packaging supplies assortments, gift-giving, and retail displays.
  • Large: Our large-sized candy packaging boxes can hold bigger or thicker sweets because of their shape. These boxes provide enough room to fit different candy shapes and sizes, assuring a safe and attractive display.
  • Custom Sizes: We provide the versatility of custom sizing in addition to our usual size selections. We are aware that each confectionery product is unique, and we can design boxes in a size that is suitable to your needs. 

We want to provide you with packaging options that match the dimensions, quantity, and presentation requirements of your candies, therefore we supply a variety of sizes. To guarantee a great fit for your candies, our experts will help you choose the best size choice or walk you through the process of producing custom-sized boxes. Pick the perfect package to tastefully display your candy from among our several size choices.

Secure Closures For Wholesale Candy Boxes- Preserving Freshness And Ensuring Safety

Secure closures are essential for keeping candy fresh and guaranteeing the safety of your sweet delights when it comes to wholesale candy boxes. We provide several alternatives to keep your candies sealed and safe. Here are a few examples of the safe closures we offer:

  1. Tuck-top closure
  2. Magnetic closure
  3. Ribbon closure
  4. Snap lock closure
  5. Velcro closure
  • Tuck-Top Closure

For candy packaging, tuck-top closures are a common option. The box's top flaps fold inward and tuck into the front panel to create a tight seal that protects your sweets from the weather. This closure method is simple to use and provides trustworthy security.

  • Magnetic Closure

Your confectionery package is given a refined, elegant touch with magnetic closures. For a smooth and secure closing that keeps your candies fresh and avoids unintentional opening, these closures use magnets that are integrated into the box's construction.

  • Ribbon Closure

Your candy container will look more attractive with a ribbon closing that also ensures a tight seal. The custom packaging box comes with a ribbon that can be tied in a bow or knot to secure the items within. Furthermore, this closing choice gives your package a delightful finishing touch and is aesthetically attractive.

  • Snap Lock Closure

Your candy boxes will seal tightly and securely with snap-lock lids. They are manufactured from snap-together interlocking tabs that keep the box firmly closed until it is opened on purpose. This closure choice is dependable and practical for storage as well as for transit.

  • Velcro Closure

In terms of candy packaging, Velcro closures are a practical and reusable choice. To keep the box shut tightly, they include hook-and-loop fasteners. 

Customers who wish to reseal the box after savoring some candies can do so easily thanks to the Velcro closure, which makes it a convenient option.

Build your own candy box now with us!

Why Packaging Bee Is Your First Choice?

There are numerous strong reasons why Packaging Bee should be your first option when it comes to packaging solutions. We stand out because of our consistent dedication to innovation, quality, and client happiness. We have established ourselves as a dependable partner for both companies and people thanks to our extensive industry expertise. 

To satisfy your unique demands and specifications, we provide a wide variety of packaging alternatives. Your interaction with us will be easy and joyful since our team of professionals is committed to providing outstanding customer service. We place a high value on accuracy, workmanship, and quick execution from idea to delivery. 

We can expertly and precisely realize your packaging concepts thanks to our cutting-edge equipment and technologies. Packaging Bee is your first option whether you want custom packaging, quick turnarounds, or distinctive design solutions. 

You can rely on us to provide great quality, outstanding service, and creative packaging solutions that will elevate your brand and help you stand out from the crowd. To unleash the potential of remarkable packaging solutions for your goods, choose us as your packaging partner and get huge discount offers!


Printing Options
Special Finishes
Coating and Lamination

Offset Print

High-quality and low-cost printing option that transfers the image to the box surface in a good resolution.

Digital Print

Digital printing techniques do not require any sort of printing plate as it transfers the image to the surface of the box easily without a plate.

UV Print

Safeguard the printed area from fading and make them more attractive.


Utilization of a universally accepted color-matching system for printing the boxes.



A fluted box material is created to enhance the strength of the boxes for shipment purposes.


Light in weight and easy to print cardstock material that would be molded into any shape and style.


Slightly brown paper-like thin material for packaging created by wood pulp and heaving eco-friendly nature.


A thick cardboard box that is high in strength but also luxurious in presentation.


An impressive as well as laminated paperboard that emulates a 3d look to colors.


Hot Foil Stamping

Print the foil detail by using the hot dies on the surface of the packaging boxes.

Cold Foil Stamping

It is a removable foil stamp that is applied without pressing any hot die or pressure on the boxes.

Blind Embossing

Create the raised area on the box surface by applying the pressure, not the inks.

Blind Debossing

Just like the craving on the box created by using letter plates or letter presses.

Registered Embossing

Create both the texture as well as the depth and endow a 3d effect to the area of the box.

Combination Embossing

Both the design as well as foiling is utilised at the same time to create a more appealing presentation.

Window Patching

Create a plain see-through cut in the box that is covered with a see-through plastic sheet.


Aqueous Coating

Provide tear-free impact to the packaging with a clear and fast-drying water-based coating at the time of printing.

UV Coating

Add protection against the damaging impact of UV sun rays by applying the UV coating to the packaging.

Spot Gloss UV

Annex the glossy effect on the specific areas of the packaging through spot coating.

Soft Touch Coating

Use the soft touch coating to make the darker and dull areas of the packaging velvety and smooth.


Provides protection as well as perfect presentation to the printing part of boxes.


A very thin plastic film is pasted in the boxes to make them more durable and long-lasting.

Anti-Scratch Lamination

This thin film of plastic is used to endow the scuff as well as scratch resistance to the boxes.


Economical and
High Quality Printing

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1639 70th St,Brooklyn, New York, 11204 USA